Soldering Skills Assessments

soldering courses

What are Soldering Skills Assessments and how do they work?

Soldering assessments are designed to evaluate a persons current soldering skills. They can be used during the practical part of an interview. This will clarify if a potential candidate has the skills your company requires.

What Happens During a Soldering Assessment?

ST Training will attend your premises on the arranged day. This may be a single assessment or a day of individual assessments for a number of candidates. ST Training can provide training PCB`S or use scrap PCB`S provided by you. Candidates will be assessed on various soldering tasks that suit your requirements.

The fundamentals of assessments will identify a candidates:

  • Level of soldering skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Quality of work completed
  • Ability to understand instruction
  • Knowledge of ESD safety
  • Knowledge of component recognition
  • Ability to use various soldering aids

What Happens Next?

ST Training can visit your premises prior to interviews and understand exactly what skills you require and design an assessment suitable for the needs of your company.


If you would like to discuss soldering assessment options please call or email us for further information.